Why Gilmore

Alexandria, Virginia, United States
Former Virginia Governor Jim Gilmore has exactly the credentials that most Republicans are looking for in their nominee for President of the United States.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Defeating Terrorism in Iraq

As a former member of the U.S. military who volunteered to serve during the Vietnam era, Jim Gilmore is strongly committed to supporting America’s troops in Iraq and around the world.

As Governor, Jim Gilmore directed the state response when Virginia was attacked on 9/11. As President, Jim Gilmore will do what is necessary to defeat terrorism and to protect the vital interest of the citizens of the United States. J

im Gilmore supports increasing the number of troops as necessary to enforce civil order in Iraq and giving our military men and women a clearly defined mission that will allow them to defeat the terrorists who are threatening our security.

Jim Gilmore strongly rejects the calls of those who demand a pullout of U.S. forces from Iraq on a fixed timetable because it would swiftly lead to chaos and America’s defeat.

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