Why Gilmore

Alexandria, Virginia, United States
Former Virginia Governor Jim Gilmore has exactly the credentials that most Republicans are looking for in their nominee for President of the United States.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Preserving Traditional Values

As Governor of Virginia, Jim Gilmore time and time again stood solidly for the sanctity of life and the preservation of traditional family values.

Jim Gilmore’s leadership led to successful legislation which he signed into law that created a 24-hour waiting period for women seeking an abortion, required parental notification for minors seeking an abortion and banned partial birth abortion.

Jim Gilmore created the Virginia Abstinence Initiative and dramatically increased funding for adoption services.

Jim Gilmore signed into law legislation banning human cloning and went to court to try to prevent the removal of a feeding tube and save the life of coma victim Hugh Finn.

Jim Gilmore believes marriage is the union of one man and one woman and as President will oppose gay marriage and so-called civil unions.

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